With decades of experience I have found that there are three common tissues involved in the symptoms of low back pain. There are others but here are the three most common ones.


The first tissue has to do with the bones in the lower back jamming or locking up. As you can see with the image on the left the cartilage in the joint is smooth and well aligned. Due to poor posture or an accident of some kind the joint(s) will misalign, lockup and inflame. Depending on your specific case I chose from three different types of adjustments to gently restore movement and alignment.


The second tissue is muscle. Either through trauma or over time muscular tissues can pull or tear. The injury to the muscle causes pain and inflammation. I have equipment that can gently soothe and reduce inflammation in these muscles and restore better function.


The third common tissue involves the discs in the lower back. Discs are the cushiony material between the bones. As in the illustration when the soft center escapes it can press on a nerve and cause severe pain. The treatment of herniated discs can be quite challenging. With close monitoring and adapting in office treatment techniques relief can be achieved in the vast majority of cases


You only have one spine. Choosing someone to walk through with you in this difficult time is an important decision. You are welcome to call the office for a 5-minute no cost, no obligation phone consultation. This is to determine if this office is the right choice for you.

Please call us at (705) 673-0493

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